Now you can have all the fun and enjoyment of a year round waterfront home or cottage without any of the hassles. No lawn to cut. No driveway to shovel. No hydro bill. No water bill. No bills ! . No maintenance. All enjoyment all the time. AND all without cutting down a single tree !
There are thousands of floating homes al over Canada and the world. LOTB Vessels all the same freedoms PLUS the ability to navigate the waterways. LOTB vessels are self propelled, and built to travel the lakes and rivers, the Trent Severn Waterway, Georgian Bay, The Great Lakes and beyond.....
This is your full time residence in Port Severn ON... or is it your getaway ?
Year-round mooring now available in Port Severn. 4 Season enjoyment.
Would you like a different floor plan? No Problem.
Imagine the home or cottage you want.
We'll build it for you
Year round enjoyment
Your water front oasis.
The best views
Year round enjoyment
AirBnb opportunity?
LOTB on the move ! Moving your Floating Marina home to a marina of your choice.
LOTB on the water
LOTB has a whole new way for you to see life on the lake.
It floats !
The whole house, and garage and workshop .....
Float across the lake... any lake or river ... or ocean !
We have been working on our prototype for 2 years now. It's 80 feet long and 20 feet wide.
We enjoy all the comforts of a modern home and we can sail away to any where we like.
It is completely self sufficient. We can stay out on the lake for months or years at a time.
Hundreds of interested local home owners, cottagers and boaters have been in for a tour.
We have been INSPECTED BY ALL 3 levels of government.
Each has been invited in to inspect and discuss our vessels.
Visitors have included:
Municipal By-Law Enforcement Officer Aug 10 2021
Municipal Fire Service representative Aug 10 2021
Provincial MNRF conservation Officers Aug 18 2021
National Transport Canada Marine Safety Inspector Aug 24 2021
Provincial OPP Marine Unit. Sept 2 2021
Parks Canada/ Trent Severn Waterway Oct 30 2021
Certified Compliant
with all of the standards, rules and regulations discussed.
The standards and regulations include :
Construction Standards for Small Vessels (2010) - TP 1332 E
Section 4.6 of the Local Township Zoning by-law 2014-75
Vessel licensing and registration
What possibilities are of interest to you?
Fractional Ownership?
Short or long term rentals?
Time sharing arrangements?
Your own custom floating home?
Peace and tranquility !
Cottages are built on land.
Boats roam the bays and rivers.
Our innovation is a house boat vessel with as many floors, and bathrooms and bedrooms as you like and a garage and a workshop and a garden shed ... decks and patios as big as you like.. all primarily designed and equipped to navigate the waterways.
And it FLOATS !
So it can navigate the lakes and bays and rivers !
Our first launch, named the Cagey Vixen, has 1900 square feet of interior living space plus 3588 square feet of exterior living space including 106 ft of 8ft wide dock and an upper deck patio area of 1900 square feet plus and front and back decks.
The whole thing can float to anywhere you like… the middle of a lake, to an island or even to a marina. There are 36,000 crown land islands in Georgian Bay alone.. Any of them welcomes you and your family to stay for a day or 2 or 3 weeks… then when you decide, you can move to another.. or we can do the move for you … or you can just float about in the middle of a bay.
We'd like to share with you in person... see what we've built and talk to us about what your ideal home or cottage houseboat will look like.
Sit by the fireplace and plan your next winter adventure
We have worked hard to make your WaterHome enjoyable year round.
How do you build a home or cottage on the lake without cutting a single tree?
Without digging up any land?
Without moving a single rock?
Without drilling a well?
Without leaching sewage into the land?
Without disturbing any shoreline at all?
Without hydro poles or underwater cables?
Without disturbing nature at all?
Your dream... Let's make it a plan !
Conventional construction or shipping containers.
No one has ever put all these ideas together ...
so LOTB did.....